Tuesday, April 7, 2009


*sigh* This is where i get tricky. Let's just start with a quote shall we? "Or, as one teenager said, “If you’re not on MySpace, you don’t exist.” " Ok, we all can say that I exist, correct? Then I am living proof one can NOT have a myspace in high school or out and still have blood pumping through my veins. Now do not misunderstand, I have fallen to facebook, very shamefully might I add. Henry Jenkins fights for this social networking, saying it is a place for teens to hang out with their friends. Umm, wasn't that usually the basement of whoever's mom didn't care that there were 7 to 10 of you there for unknown periods of time? Since when do we need to hide in a computer to talk to our friends? I guarentee that your post of your day is just repetition of the texts you have been sending/recieving from all the myspace friends. Ok, to it's credit, it is very useful in keeping in touch with people. Facebook allows me to talk to my friends that are at URI, since our hectic schedules don't allow for many visits on each end.
On the other hand, it does allow for the public to view you and anything you write (unless it is set to private and whatnot). Issues of pedophiles is great, but HELLO!! Child pornography was almost diminished in the 80's and the internet has allowed it to skyrocket. We have organizations, such as Interpol, who are trying, and doing a good job, to control this. I think if you don't want the attention of some guy in his late 30's still living with mom who's idea of a good time is with jail bait, then why don't you pull your pants to where they are supposed to be because i dont want to see your thong, get a correct fitting shirt so your boobs aren't hanging out, and can we just sum it up with stop portraying promiscuity and "sexyness" (which just comes off as slutty) when you are 14-16? There are ways to enjoy the social networking without adding to the already existing dangers.
We are back to talk about snotty fricken trust fund kids! yay! Ok, what does one do when they are at an amazing private school, have everything handed to them, not have to worry about the future? would they
a) thank their fricken lucky stars
b) realize how good they have it and strive to make sure its not wasted
c) find the most meaningless shit to bitch about
Ok, so there was a teacher who some agreed was not so fun. umm, i think i can count the ones I've had on both hands, so you bitch, of course, but you get over it. And this whole men haven't had their voices heard? I think maybe its time you just shut up. I'm not cooking for you, or cleaning, or staying home to raise the kids, or doing everything i can to allow you to "run" the house better. I am getting an education so not only can I surpass you in the company, I will be the breadwinner of my house and quite frankly if you cannot handle my strength and independence you can just turn around and walk, I don't need another little boy playing in big boy pants. Any questions?

Join me next week, same bat time, same bat channel

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