Sunday, April 5, 2009

Catch up part deux: MMMMEDIA LITERACY

Its for the few that actually care : Media Literacy. Now do not get me wrong, I;m sure it is taught in school and all that jazz, but come on, face it, many people cannot use media literacy in a defensive way. One thing it is "used" for is detecting propaganda. Umm.... HELLO??!!!! Almost all of the world is fooled from one source of propaganda or another. But you know, I'm glad they made up a word for "be intelligent enough not to believe everything you hear, question everything my dear friend", because quite frankly that was getting to be a mouthfull. On one hand I'm glad that there is some sort of education so kids can learn this earlier and not be sucked into the bandwagon. But maybe there should be a mandatory class when you get into college. This is where people need it! So many people just jump on the "big issue" bandwagon. Whatever is most liberal and coolest to agree with gets the most people. For example, the easiest example is the Obama/McCain election. I know many of people had reasons for voting for who they did, and by golly I am in no way shape or form insinuating that anyone in the class or anyone that voted for Obama was "on the bandwagon". However, think about it, Obama is a democrat and after eight years of Bush, everyone was all about the democrats. So many people hated Bush, so how easy would it be to vote for Obama for the sole fact everyone else was going to? I think college is a hard time where we think we know everything and we are merely just believing our own shit. Maybe a media literacy class could help us, let us be able to open our minds to tricks that arent as obvious as drink this type of vodka and get laid.

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