Sunday, April 5, 2009

Playing catch up: The love hate relationship with Christenson

OH LINDA, OH LINDA, you make me actually think when I really just want to vege out, how I loathe thee. But not really, maybe a little, there's a thin line between love and hate. Before this class I have analyzed films in many classes, and to my dorky credit, with my mom for funsies. It is important to be able to watch a film analytically and be able to get pissed off when the woman can't do anything herself. Oh, I forgot, we can't do anything more than put our make up on, how silly am I? Christenson says that we cannot just watch and be content. Why are we content? Why did we love it/hate it? What dominant themes are seen throughout? Why are all the "beautiful" women so damn skinny? Why are every ethnicity besides white seen as lower class?
Why do we watch this and not get angry? As much as I want to get some popcorn and flip on a Disney movie, I get that feeling that I should be mad that Ariel cannot talk ( oh by golly that's another post for another day). Christenson makes me question what I find normal and change the dominant ideas that I deem normal. I mean, come on, who is normal these days anyway?

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